Thursday, January 20, 2011

A New Beginning.....

Well-this may be the beginning of something great!  I sure hope so!  I have wanted to write for a long time...but didn't know if anyone wanted to hear what I have to say!  I know my "DH" doesn't so hopefully he is wrong!  I am going to be talking about thoughts - ideas - wants - and asking why?  I am starting a new adventure - actually a business but I like adventure better.  I do not like to be kept on a schedule-no 9 to 5 for me.  I am a night person-never thought morning had a lot to offer - but now I have a granddaughter who I go see at 545 am! And I would not miss that time with her for anything.

This new adventure is a continuation of something I have done all my life.....SEW.  Wether its quilting, making garments, altering garments..etc. Now, I am going to teach and enjoy whatever it brings.  The first class is February the perfect venue ------ the theather's costume shop.  WoW!  Now it's up to me to perform!  Class information came out yesterday afternoon....the class limit has been extended, already!  This feels right!  To Be Continued......